Humans have one friend.
They have one friend on this lonely planet.
One friend has stood by us through good and bad, through fat times and lean, through the heat and the cold, the wet and the dry. One friend has consoled us, worked with us, fed us, clothed us, watched over our flocks, played with our children, guarded our homes, gone to war with us, died for us. One friend has been with us since we came up from the savannahs of so long ago, since we lived in the caves of prehistoric Europe and Asia.
We are a friend to nobody.
Why don't we stand by our friend as he has stood by us instead of using him as a scapegoat, treating him like a pariah, tossing him to the howling mob?
Why are we allowing the forces of ignorance to prevail?
Make them leave the dogs and the people who are wise enough to love them alone. Stop letting inadequate bureaucrats get away with their class warfare, their politics of division, their desperate bids for attention, their sneaky end-runs around the constitution.
Us and them. Codswallop. It's only us. It's always been only us.
Stop turning away and hoping that if you keep your head down, they won't notice you. They will. They have. It's happening. They are killing dogs because they like to kill and dogs are easy game. They are snatching beloved family pets because they like to hurt and bully and this is a no-brainer. They are taking away the liberty you are so complacent about right before your eyes as they feed you a line about 'public safety'.
It's a con. It is you. It is now. There is no 'bad owner', no 'dangerous breed', no 'illegal dog', no 'pit bull'.
It's only you. Us. That's all it's ever been, and all it ever will be.
Is this how you want to live, in a supposedly tolerant, inclusive country like Canada? Because if it is, then there's not much hope for anywhere else.
Just make it stop; make them leave the dogs and the people who are wise enough to love them alone.
Do something.
Do it today.
Make a phone call, send an email, show up at a protest, stand up Your only friend would do it for you if he could.
Email addresses for the Mayor and Executive Committe in Montreal:
Do it today.
Make a phone call, send an email, show up at a protest, stand up Your only friend would do it for you if he could.
Email addresses for the Mayor and Executive Committe in Montreal: