Are you wondering why The Netherlands decided to abandon breed-specific legislation, after having the policy in place for 15 years? The simple answer is that the grownups on the planet collect real data, analyze it and decide whether or not a scheme is providing value. If it isn't, they modify or abandon it, whichever makes the most sense.
Here in Canada, public officials seem to have forgotten that they are hired to serve the citizenry and are instead serving themselves, especially in Ontario where corruption is so rampant it barely generates outrage anymore. Politicians are more concerned about saving face and stonewalling than admitting they have been mistaken and moving forward to benefit the public.
Beware the ideologues, Baby, because they don't need no stinkin' data and they'll sell you out every time.
I must add a caveat around this version. When the report came out in 2008, I spent almost three weeks translating it using only Google and Babylon, then rewriting it to reflect our sentence structure, which is very different. It was fun and informative to say the least but was also a big job. A translation service wanted $10K to do it. Yeah, no. I just wanted the nut of it. I am fortunate in having a couple of good friends in Holland who helped me with the very few slang expressions I came across. I kept the original graphs/pictures and translated the legends.
Because I loves ya, here is the report from 2008, Hondenbeten in Perspectief (Dog Bites in Perspective, right?) It is a treasure trove of data. Use it if you need it.
You can find and download original report in Dutch at this link:
This report has pit bulls as the #1 in fatalities....LOL
Pit nutters can look at anything and come to the conclusion that the breed is not dangerous.
Posted by: jim buss | Jun 20, 2016 at 09:02 AM
Right. If "pit bull" were a breed I might agree with you. If fatalities were common I might also cut you some slack. Unfortunately, neither are true.
Read the whole thing and you'll find out why they dumped BSL after having it in place for awhile. Just like 20 states have now pre-empted the scheme at the state level.
But thanks for playing.
Posted by: Selma | Jun 20, 2016 at 05:08 PM