In an unexpected turn of events, internet social justice group Anonymous has turned its gaze on Peta, the animal liberation outfit that exemplifies the motto "Better Dead than Led".
Here is their scary video for your entertainment:
My friend who blogs at (check it out) kindly typed up a transcript for people who have trouble loading videos.
Here is the transcription:
"Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Now is the time that we must see the true lies of the PETA organization. People take animals to PETA instead of local shelters because they believe the animals will be placed in a home and not put down. Unlike local animal shelters, PETA doesn't even bother trying to find homes for these pets. All of them are killed within a few hours.
PETA doesn't stop with animals that are dropped off at their facility. No, they actively seek out animals throughout the community to kill. PETA sends traps to catch roaming animals all over Hampton Groves. These traps are designed to catch traps. Many of these are not just strays but people's pets. They have even ventured onto a local federal installation where they captured dozens of cats and immediately killed them. The cats at this particular facility were living in a federal cat colony. They were well fed, spayed and neutered and received regular veterinary care at the expense of the government workers.
PETA in their renowned arrogance decided they knew better and illegally entered the installation several times, stole these people's cats and ended their lives. PETA employees and volunteers regularly enter private property to capture animals, which according to former PETA employees are often times people's pets, someone's cat out for a midnight stroll or even just sitting in their owner's yard.
Car loads of cats are regularly brought to PETA headquarters by employees and volunteers whose job it is to round them up. One such volunteer has brought in hundreds of cats, many wearing tags bearing the name and address of their owner.
The animals are loaded into a small storage shed where they sometimes sit for several hours in the heat and cold waiting awaiting their date with the executioner.
We must address this now and not waste time. PETA must be exposed and not allowed to conduct any further activities. We will not stand by and allow the creatures of gods creation to be brutalized and killed for profit or cheap thrills.
The time is now. We are anonymous. We are legion. For we are many. Expect us."
Do you think people will ever clue-in to this horrific organization?
Posted by: Sheenagh Murphy | Apr 16, 2013 at 08:26 AM