We have always tried to be above-board in our battle to end Ontario's dog ownership ban. We have used only legal avenues that are available to us and have encouraged others to follow suit.
We have fact-checked, trying to be 100% accurate in everything we say, write and produce.
We have kept the discussion about the issues, not making it personal no matter how tempting that has been over the years. We have tried to remain calm and logical, focusing on facts, statistics and scientific evidence rather than "instincts" or "beliefs".
We do not lie.
We do not seek attention and have no hidden motives.
However, given the mindless vitriol emanating from the penny-dreadful press lately and the fact that Dalton McGuinty's alleged "liberal" government continues to ignore, belittle, insult and stonewall constituents, it is time to put on our scuba suits and dive into the mud with them. No more nice Canadian behaviour.
Holding my nose, here goes.
Disgraced former Ontario Attorney-General Michael J Bryant's recent public display of self-flagellation revealing his alcoholism while in office came as no surprise. Something was wrong with him. His weird ideation, strange behaviour, odd speech patterns and just plain nutty hyperbole made many of us wonder if he suffered from a psychiatric disorder during his heyday as Ontario's Torquemada. Or was he going for Napoleon?
The actual explanation was much simpler.
Bryant admits that he was loaded most of the time and that the ban was just a lawyer's game, an ego trip. He claims to feel responsible for what has happened and is happening to innocent dog owners in Ontario. Well boo-hoo. If he feels that way, he could lend us a hand out here, as we continue to clean up the bloody mess he and his henchmen in Ontario's "liberal" government created.
Maybe he could buy us a chunk of Navigator time to ease his new-found conscience. We could totally use it, even this late in the game.
In my mind, the fact that he was a drunk (and claims media knew about it but liked the infotainment he provided) and knew full well there was no danger from any shape of dog should be grounds enough for repeal of this noxious law.
Yet Dalton McGuinty, the man who can argue black is white without even blinking, still insists that the law is about 'dangerous' dogs and public safety. That is a lie and the funny thing is, pretty much everybody now knows it.
A lot of people have been hurt by this legislation; a lot of family pets - owned, loved dogs - have been seized and killed or sent out of the province for no reason other than that somebody who was unfit for public office abused that office eight years ago, insisting that the shape of a mutt dictates his behaviour.
It's hard to believe that anybody, anywhere, would buy into that.
Would anybody like to see the actual Dog Bite-Related Fatalities (DBRFs) for Canada? Count them and tell me how many kids have been killed by media darlings vs alleged "friendly" shapes.
Go ahead, take a look.
Here is a report of the death of a child, this year in Canada Both fatalities in 2012 were caused by alleged "huskies". This report is rather, um, subdued, isn't it?
And in case you doubt my stats, here is a link to a review of deaths from 1990 - 2007 published in Can Vet J.
Selma, you have given me the will to fight on. After reading your blog, I am in tears. I have been so angry with our government and have tried to do something for all dogs over the past eight years. You and I know right from wrong. I just don`t understand why Bryant is looking for vindication and sympathy.
He`s a murdering, lying, cheating,drunken......and I could go on but I won`t. Thank you for saying what some of us can`t. My anger overcomes my intelligence at times.
I`ve loaded pups onto planes and hidden dogs in my home to save their lives. This aint over `til the fat lady sings. Or we can love our dogs in peace. Which ever comes first.
I`m sharing your words with all on my list.
Posted by: Heather Boomer-Blancher | Aug 23, 2012 at 01:35 PM
This is what I put on facebook when I shared this link.
Anyone that's against Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) aka Bull Shit Legislation, should read this. It's excellent. And those that like BSL should also read it....be educated, not scared. Links to valid, legitimate facts are provided .
A huge thank you to the author. I've made your blog one of my favorites.
Posted by: Wall 404 | Aug 23, 2012 at 06:03 PM
This is one of your best Selma! This latest chapter and revelation in the Life of Bryant gives new meaning to the term disgusting. His relationship with the Liberal party, then and now, is mind boggling. I am particularly frustrated since in theory I consider myself a left leaning "Liberal" (who votes NDP) but these people do not represent me or any other people that I know who are on that side of the political spectrum. McGuinty's government is flat out corrupt - Bankrupt of any morality or integrity and if there is any hope for the Ontario Liberal Party, they must get out from under McGuinty's unethical thumb.
Regarding the Scuba Suit, well, they chose the battle front so I guess we need to fight them where they live!
Posted by: Debbie Black | Aug 23, 2012 at 06:11 PM
Posted by: Kiefly | Aug 23, 2012 at 06:18 PM
I initially thought that maybe Bryant didn't know better but when reading the committee hearings and listening to the testimonies of so many professional experts speaking against the ban and all giving stellar reasons for it, I realized then for HIM it was about EGO. No-one in their "right" mind could look at the real facts and not understand the ban was to get media attention(and probably take the heat off the ministry for ALL the gang shootings that happened in the Toronto area that year). He did NOT care IF he was doing the "right" thing, he wanted only to APPEAR that he was. Oh and the PRESS would never have ratted Byrant out for his alcohol problem. HE was their favourite "20 second sound byte". They KNEW they could count on outlandish "over the top" statements from him. As far as McGuinty how could HE not know HE put an alcoholic as Attorney General of Ontario. Shameful AND Pathetic.
Posted by: Che Bean | Aug 23, 2012 at 08:52 PM
Amen my friend! Well written!
Posted by: Janette Hamilton | Sep 14, 2012 at 12:48 PM