Finally, a video that explains how breed-specific legislation got its start. Thank you, Ryan O'Meara, for putting this together.
If you have been wondering what sort of person could possibly have thought that discriminating against dogs by shape was an idea with even a molecule of merit, wonder no more.
If you suspected all along that dog-killing laws were born in a dark, damp, foetid place far removed from the light of reason, here's your proof.
Watch the video from K9 Magazine by clicking here.
h/t Social Mange, who has a nice editorial piece about Brytler this week. Read Navigator's Purple Kool-Aid and Bryant's Legacy of Death. Gee, I guess Soche is a bit pissed off. Or something :>)
If you have been wondering what sort of person could possibly have thought that discriminating against dogs by shape was an idea with even a molecule of merit, wonder no more.
If you suspected all along that dog-killing laws were born in a dark, damp, foetid place far removed from the light of reason, here's your proof.
Watch the video from K9 Magazine by clicking here.
h/t Social Mange, who has a nice editorial piece about Brytler this week. Read Navigator's Purple Kool-Aid and Bryant's Legacy of Death. Gee, I guess Soche is a bit pissed off. Or something :>)
Thanks for posting the video worth the watch.
Posted by: unknown | Sep 11, 2009 at 08:00 PM
We MISS you Caveat. We really and truly do.
Posted by: unknown | Nov 06, 2009 at 07:00 PM