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Petition to Repeal the Ontario Breed Ban


Oct 28, 2008


Right on Jim!
If you combine the quote I love from the previous post and Randy Hillier "I think probably my greatest moment (of realisation as working MPP) is finding out that government really is as bad as most people think it is. The politicians in government have abdicated their (democratic) responsibility (to constituents) to such a large degree, that many of them have become just figure heads" and McGuintys failure to google the meanings of certain words such as "prudent", "ethical", "moral", "justice", "constitution", "responsibility" or "pitbull" is it any wonder millions of citizens in Ontario are ready to go postal?

We have felt first hand in the last 4 years how bad this government is.
McGuinty is already trying to cover his arse, last week he was yapping that we will be in a deficit because of the recession. Technically we are not in a recession, obviously by the numbers Mr. Wilson has said, there has been a serious mismangement of funds.
Seems to me the first 3 years of McGuintys term he did nothing but bash Harris for the deficit left.
Oh, and how much did he piss away implementing the pit bull ban?
McGuinty will not survive this term by the end of it his political career might be over, he will not be able to handle the challenges ahead. He is to much of a pinhead.

What did McSquinty & Minions do with the health care tax? That brought in potentially billions (dont have the exact numbers), where did the money go?
Deficit Dalton.

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