Mike Bryant Discussing 'Pit Bulls', Oct 2004
I see that Brytler's getting farther away from where the action is. It seems he couldn't cut it in Aboriginal Affairs either, although I doubt he upset as many people as he did when he was Attorney General. Brad Duguid, aka 'The Weasel' is taking his place.
"Aboriginal Affairs Minister Michael Bryant moves to take over the Economic Development Ministry. Labour Minister Brad Duguid switches to Aboriginal Affairs."
We used to call this type of action Special Project when I worked as a programmer at CIBC in the early 80s. That meant they gave the person an office, a phone and absolutely nothing to do. Eventually they'd quit. Much more frugal than firing those overpaid Exec types - no severance package required. Heh.
Maybe Brytler should look farther afield for employment opportunities since Ontario doesn't seem to be working out for him. He could go hang with his buddy Skeldon in Toledo, or visit fellow tin-potter Nelson in Denver.
I can probably get him a job as a Schutzhund 'stranger' if he's interested. I'm sure he'd qualify because let's face it, few are stranger than Brytler.
He should give me a call.
Ya, I saw that too, hes getting the proverbial sole of the shoe in the face as hes pushed downhill. Must hurt, going from Golden Boy to Water Boy.
Posted by: unknown | Sep 18, 2008 at 08:00 PM
Michael, Bryants report card. Thousands, slaughtered under his reign as Att. General, and thousands of dead dogs walking as families are devastated, , currently, armed officers in our schools, roadblocks on our highways, and gun fights in our streets = equals hmmmm, would be close to say a failing grade!
Michael Bryant
1) Attorney General ( complete and utter failure)
2) Minister of Indian Affairs (missing in action posters for him pasted in Caledonia, & recent law suits filed)
3) Minister of Economic Development GOD HELP US ALL!
The people St. Davids SHAME, you shame us all with your incompetent votes.
Posted by: unknown | Sep 18, 2008 at 08:00 PM